Monday, July 11, 2011

How Family Youth Music Brings A Family Together

Family Music Brings Family Together

By playing family youth music together, families can be reunited and individual bonds strengthened. There are few ways better to bringing a family together than playing music.  When I started learning music it largely involved theory, and I didn't receive the training in acoustic guitar that I really wanted.  The result was that I taught myself from books and costly individual guitar lessons that cost me several hundred dollars.

Back 20 or 30 years ago you didn't have much option, because there was no internet that you could use to find inexpensive online lessons as you can now, and you were pretty much left on your own. Then when I had a family, my guitar had to be retired temporarily until that one day when we went to visit Tom Lee Music  and one of my sons got interested. He started off with a three-quarter size mini Fender Strat, and never looked back.

I got started again and we both love to jam together - without a drummer because we found them difficult to find. We now find that the instrument doesn't matter: fiddle, guitar or just singing.  Music brings people together and family gatherings that were a thing of the past are now commonplace as we all get together for a musical gathering. Any instrument will do, and it needn't cost a lot - just make music.

Have you ever enjoyed sitting round a campfire when you were younger, just singing songs and enjoying yourself? Wouldn't it be great to do that with your family and your friends?  Of course it would, and if you need something to keep the timing right or set a beat, then a metronome is OK if there is just one or two of you, but with a larger family group you need a drummer.

Failing that, you can use music software do the job for you, such as Quick Beat.  When you use Quick Beat you would think you had drummer right there in the room with you, and it makes a tremendous difference whether you are a professional musician practicing on your own and needing a good beat to help you, or if you are playing some family youth music with your family and friends.  You can play it right from your PC or laptop, and have it as loud or low as you like.

If you have a need for a real drummer sound with your family get-togethers, then Quick Beat is ideal. It makes the whole thing sound and feel a lot better.  You can have a great time together with just one or two instruments and all of you singing along without the drumming software, but I found it a lot better with it.  I also found that it helped my son to improve his playing because it helped get his timing right.

If you want to learn how to play acoustic guitar there are many learning systems available online that will help you achieve a high degree of proficiency.  You need the will to succeed, of course, and nobody ever learned to a play an instrument without a love for music and the instrument. However, Music Master Pro can help if you prefer to go at your own pace, and don't have the time to attend regular classes and practice enough for the next lesson.

Music Master Pro teaches you Guitar, Bass and Drums and even Violin, and by using that you can learn all you have to in order to be able to play your instrument proficiently. Music Master Pro will make it a lot easier for you to get together with your family and have a great youth music jamming session or just to put on a show or sing-along for them.

You can use it when you want to and stop when you have to without losing out on anything. Whether you are picking up a guitar or any instrument in fact, for the first time or as a professional player, Music Master Pro and Quick Beat can be of tremendous use to you. Professionals can easily get into a rut, and need something fresh to allow them to move forward and master their instrument rather than just play the same old stuff using the same old techniques time and time again.

Many musicians get themselves into that rut, and it takes a radical change to dig yourself out of it. Seek out new challenging music, try out some new techniques on your guitar like harmonics or a new style such as blues, but do something different and get that old excitement of learning going again. Online teaching systems can help you there, and a good beat will also help you to get going.

Get familiar with some children and family tunes and get the whole family together with a few instruments and a good beat, and have a great family youth music evening that will get everybody together again and strengthen your old relationships.
Outdoor playhouse